Lorraine Campbell
Neurodevelopmental Nurse Specialist
Lorraine graduated as a Mental Health Nurse from the University of Stirling in 2014. She has clinical experience working in NHS Mental Health Services within Psychiatry, in both acute and community hospital settings. Lorraine has also worked in Primary Care, within GP surgeries. She has a personal and professional interest in neurodevelopmental conditions and understands the daily challenges these conditions present in individuals’ lives. Although she possesses a wealth of experience in this area, she recognizes that everyone is unique in how their condition and symptoms affect them.
Lorraine takes pride in ensuring that she has a good understanding of each person she supports, their current difficulties, and life situations to ensure the care she provides is specific to their unique symptoms, needs, and understanding. She promotes dignity and respect, is meaningful, patient-centered, and, of course, evidence-based. Feedback from those Lorraine has supported indicates that she is caring, compassionate, understanding, and approachable. It is often said that people "felt really listened to and understood."